Senior School

What a wonderful range of exciting opportunities we have in our Senior School! 

Our English program covers many aspects of literacy. Students build on their reading skills with the focus of building fluency and accuracy while using a range of comprehension strategies to assist them with understanding, connecting and shaping their own views. In writing, we create a range of texts, expressing facts, opinions and creativity. We utilise our BYOD program to assist with publishing of writing pieces and research for our writing topics. Students use both digital and print media to support their learning. 

Our maths program involves hands-on learning activities that encourage problem solving skills and a greater depth of learning of new concepts. Students work collaboratively in these engaging activities and participate in rich conversations about their thinking. We also use a range of different digital platforms to enhance our students’ learning at their point of need.  

Our Inquiry program encourages hands on experiences while exploring History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Business and Economics. Our Senior School Elections and Market are stand out events in the year. Our Wellbeing program develops social and emotional skills of our students, as well as an awareness of their own bodies. 

In the Senior School we offer a huge range of extracurricular activities. These activities include inter-school sports for summer and winter sports as well as a swimming program. Leadership opportunities aim to encourage student advocacy and voice. Senior School camp alternates between an urban camp one year and an adventure camp the next. Our students have the opportunity to train and partake in Lion’s Quiz and the Rotary Challenge. Another fantastic experience for our Senior students is being a part of our school’s Wakakirri performance. We promote a BYOD program with iPads which allows our students to expand their technology skills to assist with their transition to Secondary College.